The Title IV-E Child Welfare Partnership
The Title IV-E Child Welfare Partnership (CWP) program is a collaboration between the School of Social Work at Texas State University and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). The CWP program aims to increase the qualifications and numbers of BSW/MSW graduates who enter the field of child welfare, and to enhance the knowledge and skills of selected DFPS employees through graduate social work education. Students in the program receive financial assistance and ongoing training while completing their social work degree, in exchange for working for DFPS for a period of time after graduation. If you want to enhance your social work knowledge and make a difference in the lives of children and families, the Child Welfare Partnership program may be for you!
Honoring the Past and Inspiring the Future: The Title IV-E Child Welfare Partnership Program
What our graduates are saying...
“The education at Texas State prepared me for my job, I 100% believe that. I felt capable of going into the position and what was expected of me.”
- Judith Foster, CWP alumni, 2006
"The Title IV-E Child Welfare Partnership provided me with the opportunity to not only develop a solid foundation of professional skills and knowledge but also provided me with a deep sense of fulfillment in making a difference in the lives of children and families." - Natisha Brown, CWP alumni, 2024
Contact Us
For general questions about the Child Welfare Partnership program, please contact: