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MSW Degree Plans

If you are a financial aid recipient, we encourage you to only take the courses that count toward the completion of your degree.

To be eligible for most financial aid, you only need to be enrolled at least half-time, which is 3 credit hours for graduate students in courses that count toward your degree.

Please review the degree plan that corresponds to your cohort, as there may be a semester in which you will be enrolled less than half time as a graduate student.

To learn more Receive My Aid.


(Non-BSW Degree Holder)
Fall 2022 and Forward

First Fall Semester

First Spring Semester

First Summer Semester

SOWK 5308 Human Behavior in Individual and Family Social Environments

SOWK 5313 Foundation Social Work Practice I

SOWK 5314 Foundation Social Work Practice II

SOWK 5317 Social Work Research

SOWK 5309 Human Behavior in Local and Global Social Environments

SOWK 5310 Social Welfare Policy and Services

SOWK 5316 Foundation Social Work Practice III

Preparation for Foundation Field/Webinars

Semester Total Hours 12

Semester Total Hours 9

Semester Hours zero




Second Fall Semester

Second Spring Semester

Second Summer Semester

SOWK 53761 Foundation Field Practicum I

SOWK 5577 Foundation Field Practicum II

*Graduate Elective


SOWK 5323 Advanced Social Work Research

SOWK 5370 Advanced Program Planning and Grant-Based Resource Development

SOWK 5372 Advanced Diagnostic Assessment and Intervention with Individuals

SOWK 5371 Advanced Assessment, Leadership, and Supervision of Social Services Organizations

SOWK 5322 Advanced Social Policy and Social Justice

SOWK 5373 Advanced Intervention with Families and Groups

Semester Total Hours 11

Semester Total Hours 12

Semester Total Hours 6




Third Fall Semester



SOWK 53782 Advanced Practicum I

SOWK 5979 Advanced Practicum II



Semester Total Hours 12



*Elective can be from any other graduate discipline at Texas State or from courses identified as SOWK graduate electives. If elective is from any other graduate discipline at Texas State consult with Graduate Program Director/Advisor for approval.

1Before enrolling in Advanced courses, all foundation coursework must be complete.

2Before enrolling in final field courses – SOWK 5378, SOWK 5379, SOWK 5679, & SOWK 5979 all other academic coursework/requirement must be complete.



(Non-BSW Degree Holder)

Part-Time Online

Fall 2022 and Forward

First Fall Semester

First Spring Semester

First Summer Semester

SOWK 5308 Human Behavior in Individual and Family Social Environments

SOWK 5313 Foundation Social Work Practice I

SOWK 5314 Foundation Social Work Practice II

SOWK 5317 Social Work Research

SOWK 5309 Human Behavior in Local and Global Social Environments

SOWK 5310 Social Welfare Policy and Services

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6




Second Fall Semester

Second Spring Semester

Second Summer Semester

SOWK 5316 Foundation Social Work Practice III

SOWK 53761 & 5111 Foundation Field I

SOWK 5411 Foundation Field II


SOWK 5322 Advanced Social Policy and Social Justice

SOWK 5370 Advanced Program Planning and Grant-Based Resource Development

Total Semester Hours 7

Total Semester Hours 7

Total Semester Hours 6




Third Fall Semester

Third Spring Semester

Third Summer Semester

SOWK 5323 Advanced Social Work Research

SOWK 5372 Advanced Diagnostic Assessment and Intervention with Individuals

SOWK 5371 Advanced Assessment, Leadership, and Supervision Social Service Organizations

SOWK 5373 Advanced Intervention with Families and Groups

Preparation for Field Field/Webinars

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours zero




Fourth Fall

Fourth Spring


SOWK 53782 Advanced Practicum 1

SOWK 5379 Advanced Practicum 2

SOWK 5679 Advanced Field Practicum 2


Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6





*Elective can be from any other graduate discipline at Texas State or from courses identified as SOWK graduate electives. If the elective is from any other graduate discipline at Texas State consult with Graduate Program Director/Advisor for approval.

1Before enrolling in Advanced courses, all foundation coursework must be complete.

2Before enrolling in final field courses – SOWK 5378, SOWK 5379, SOWK 5679, & SOWK 5979 all other academic coursework/requirement must be complete.

(BSW Degree Holder)
Fall 2023 and Forward

First Fall Semester

First Spring Semester

First Summer Semester

Second Fall Semester

SOWK 5322 Advanced Social Policy and Social Justice

SOWK 5371 Advanced Assessment, Leadership, and Supervision of Social Services Organizations

SOWK 5373 Advanced Intervention with Families and Groups

SOWK 5323 Advanced Social Work Research

SOWK 5370 Advanced Program Planning and Grant-Based Resource Development

SOWK 5372 Advanced Diagnostic Assessment and Intervention with Individuals

Graduate Elective*

Graduate Elective*

Preparation for Final Field/Webinars

SOWK 53781   Advanced Field Practicum 1

SOWK 5979 Advanced Field Practicum 2

Total Semester Hours 9

Total Semester Hours 9

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 12

*Electives can be from any other graduate discipline at Texas State or from courses identified as SOWK graduate electives. If the elective is from any other graduate discipline at Texas State consult with Graduate Program Director/Advisor for approval.

1Before enrolling in final field courses – SOWK 5378, SOWK 5379, SOWK 5679, & SOWK 5979 all other academic coursework/requirement must be complete.

(BSW Degree Holder)
Part-time Fall 2021 and Forward

First Fall Semester

First Spring Semester

First Summer Semester

Second Fall Semester

Second Spring Semester

Second Summer

SOWK 5322 Advanced Social Policy and Social Justice

SOWK 5370 Advanced Program Planning and Grant-Based Resource Development

SOWK 5323 Advanced Social Work Research

SOWK 5372 Advanced Diagnostic Assessment and Intervention with Individuals

Graduate Elective*

Graduate Elective*

SOWK 5371 Advanced Assessment, Leadership, and Supervision in Social Service Organizations

SOWK 5373 Advanced Intervention with Families and Groups

SOWK 53781 Advanced Field Practicum 1 

SOWK 5379 Advanced Field Practicum 2

SOWK 5679 Advanced Field Practicum 2

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6

Total Semester Hours 6

*Electives can be from any other graduate discipline at Texas State or from courses identified as SOWK graduate electives. If the elective is from any other graduate discipline at Texas State consult with the Graduate Program Director/Advisor for approval.

1Before enrolling in final field courses – SOWK 5378, SOWK 5379, SOWK 5679, & SOWK 5979 all other academic coursework/requirement must be complete.